Forever Changed

Svastha Wellness & Peaceful Poses
4 min readMar 25, 2022

”Study me as much as you like, you will not know me, for I differ in a hundred ways from what you see me to be. Put yourself behind my eyes and see me as I see myself, for I have chosen to dwell in a place you cannot see.” ~ Rumi

Last month, I was invited to guest teach at a lovely and sacred space in Montezuma, Costa Rica, Anamaya Resort. With that invitation and journey came so many powerful and wonderful gifts that I had not anticipated coming my way. Had I not been in a conscious space, to become the recipient, I hate to think of all the beauty I may have missed. These were not typical gifts one might think that come all wrapped up in a tidy package topped with a pretty bow. These gifts came in multiple ways and were far more than “things”. These gifts came in the way of wisdom, contemplations, words, hugs, gestures of kindness and questions that taught me so much about this life we’ve been given an opportunity to explore…if we are consciously aware of each moment and ready to receive them.

Day one, a lovely woman from France graced the room with a smile brighter than anything I’ve seen. I cannot explain how drawn I was to be in her presence. Her smile was genuinely full of love that came from so deeply within a space of her heart that she lit up the room when she entered without saying a single word. I can only imagine what those around her, on a daily basis, must feel like. Her beauty was boundless.

An evening spent, under a beautiful moon and star filled sky in the pool, a young minister, who also had the uncanny ability to bring joy to each room he entered with his words and humorous delivery of them, posed a question to me that I’ve contemplated ever since. He asked me directly, “What is the meaning of life”? Short answer from me was, “We were given an opportunity to be born into these physical bodies to learn to be affluent in love…of all! It is through the experiences in this lifetime that we are meant to learn this, yes, even through the difficulties and obstacles that come our way”! We had the most amazing conversation. More to come on that topic someday.

The day we closed in a lovely circle of sharing, another quiet, lovely young woman bared her soul to us of the unfortunate things that have been happening in her life and the healing she found within the teachings shared. The attempts someone took to destroy another individual were, to say the least, destructive and of someone who truly was acting out of their own fear, anger and ignorance were met with a heart that was so spiritual and strong, she is able to overcome and grow stronger. However, not without pain and suffering.

A woman, whom I met within the space I teach at home, joined us on this journey. She proved to be much more than a student to me. She is all I could ever hope to emulate in this life as I continue to grow on this path. She is full of strength, grace, compassion, feistiness, love, harmony and so many other character traits that I admire and hope to grow into in the future.

You might wonder how these could be considered gifts. Each of them taught me so much more about this life. I was taught to contemplate true meanings and appreciation of those in my presence at a deeper level. I was taught to embrace every moment, every day of this lifetime. I was taught that someone who is soft and silent, can find boldness and strength. I was taught that the energy of others can permeate a room and fill it with love just by walking into it. They taught me that I can be all of those things and so much more. They gave me the gift of their own energy and presence.

Each of them shared a lesson from the Divine with me!

Enjoy every minute of this life. Remember your presence has the power to change others. Remember to stop, look around you to notice what and whom God has put before you to see and the lessons presented to you. You must be ready, as they always say, when the student is ready, the teacher will appear!

With much love for you, thank you for taking the time to be present with me!


